
Always Be Winning

Morning Everyone!
So yesterday was awesome, right?! I was pretty nervous about my first “official” blog post. I always post to Twitter and Instagram, but I decided to give Facebook a try and you all totally blew me away. In my mind I guess I always think no one really sees my Tweets or IG posts, so Facebook was definitely the big scary beast. It was so encouraging and motivating to see how many people read (or at least visited) my blog last night. It was even cooler to have people reach out to me to talk about it! Huge thank you for all the love and support! And I’m quickly going to give a little shoutout to my friend Steph for being my first official follower! Thanks girl!

Today we talk goals. What is your big picture goal? What are you trying to accomplish and why? This can be a fitness goal, life goal, business goal, etc. Whatever this goal may be it’s yours. It’s your dream. It’s your future.

I want to talk about setting a daily “win goal.” What is this? It’s a goal you set that you know you can achieve. There is no shame in setting a goal that is totally accomplishable and doable! It’s really just a confidence booster, and trust me we can all use a little more confidence now and then.

This goal is the first step in setting yourself up for success. A small, well thought out, planned, totally achievable goal is still a win! It’s the first step to feeling like you are totally ready to be a badass today. This goal is the dipping your big toe in the ocean type of goal.

We have to make small goals, habitual goals, to get to our end goal. These small goals all add up and will get you to that big picture, outcome, goal. Did you know that if you set 1 goal you have an 80% chance of achieving it. If you set 2 it goes down to 20%. I don’t know about you, but I like my odds much better at 80%.

My “win goal” for today is this post! It’s the first step in creating this new habit and connecting with all of you. You may be asking what my end goal is at this point and I’m just not quite sure yet. All I know is I absolutely love connecting with people. Learning everyone’s story really is one of my favorite things. I find motivation and strength through other people and try to help them see it in themselves. You are strong. You are full of potential you never knew about!

So as I sit here with my morning coffee typing away I already feel accomplished. Now go out and get your win.



4 thoughts on “Always Be Winning

  1. Love you girl😘😘 Wish we got to keep in better touch, but I’m thankful for all these social media outlets to still feel connected.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Morgan, your Mother shared this with me. Great job and inspirational!
    I need a push now and again to set goals and not be complacent!!
    Jeannie Goodman

    Liked by 1 person

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